Who We Are!

EIN - Employer Identification Number - 85-1160675

Earnest Heart Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization specializing in restoring, educating, and empowering families, children, and individuals.  We purposed in our hearts to strengthen those in need through a merciful heart full of loving-kindness. This foundation was birthed from a heart to serve and eradicate poverty from those impacted through socio-economic barriers. We believe that when merciful hearts and helping hands unite, those barriers can be mitigated.

Earnest Heart was created because we believe lives and legacies can change through compassion and solidarity.

Why We Serve!

Core Values: The following 7 scriptures reflect our earnest desire and commitment to serve.

John 21:17…And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.

Matthew 25:35-36 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

Psalm 72:12 For he will rescue the needy when he cries for help, The afflicted and abused also, and him who has no helper.

Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over…

Psalm 34:6 This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.

Psalm 69:33 For the Lord heareth the poor, and despiseth not his prisoners.

Luke 5:7 They called to their friends in the other boat to come and help them. The friends came…


Meet the Board of Directors:

The Board of Directors for Earnest Heart Foundation is responsible for strategic planning and oversight of the organization, operations, programs, projects, and future endeavors. The board approves all organizational goals and objectives, policies, and procedures. The authorization of all new programs, financial affairs, and the authority to align and allocate funds according to the vision and mission of Earnest Heart are also the responsibilities of the board. The board will accomplish Earnest Heart's goals through board members, staff, advisors, and other volunteers.

"Thanks be to God, who placed within my heart

an earnest care for others."

Temperance Tobe has over 30 years of experience working with families and students. As the C.E.O. of Earnest Heart Foundation, she has a B.S. degree in Human Science, an M.S. in Child Development and Family Studies, with certifications in Family and Consumer Science, Career Development and Special Populations, and an M.S. in School Administration. While working to obtain her Ph.D., Ms. Tobe accepted the unction to unite helping hands and merciful hearts as the founder of Earnest Heart Foundation

Founder of Earnest Heart Foundation

Among her other accomplishments are several awards, community-church partnerships, and grants designed to empower youth and strengthen the family unit. Her other achievements and honors include; The National Society of Leadership and Success membership, Ebonettes Award, Team First Award, the Bright Ideas Grant Award, Soar Summer Reading Program, Math Saucers Tutorial Project, Y.E.S.S.- Cup Partnership, Young MoP Grant, and N.C.C.U. Service-Learning Award.

Although she is immensely proud of her academic accomplishments, Ms. Tobe affirms her greatest achievements are her Special Treasures. She has been married to Edward Tobe for 29 years, and together they have two young adults.

Ms. Tobe has been a member of her local church for 22 years. She has served as the Teen Director, Missionary Board member, a dancer on the Liturgical Dance Ministry, Sunday School teacher, Ark Prayer Leader, and an Outreach Director. As an exuberant and forthright leader, she now serves as an Associate Pastor and Director of Prayer and Intercession at her local church. When asked why start Earnest Heart Foundation, she kindly responded, "Thanks be to God, who placed within my heart an earnest care for others."

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Rolanda Holland brings over 15 years of service working in Hospitality and Tourism, and Biblical Education. For the past eight years, Ms. Holland has dedicated herself to educational assistance and support. Holland's relevant experience, passion, and leadership style is an asset to Earnest Heart. As Chairman of Earnest Heart, her leadership skills include planning and coordinating multiple programs and their activities, ensuring implementation and adherence to guidelines and protocol, observing, and evaluating operations, procedures, and activities, and maintaining and tracking all expenditures and transactions related to program performance and accountability. Her proven track record and experience meet Earnest Heart's requirements. When asked, "why Earnest Heart?" Ms. Holland shared, "joining Earnest Heart Team is a blessing because the opportunity positions me to maximize my need to serve and engage those with like-minded hearts." 

 Ms. Holland is the mother of two young adults, the grandmother of her pride and joy, and daughter to her best friend-mother!

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Edward Tobe is the owner of ETGxP Compliance Services, L.L.C. As the Treasurer of Earnest Heart, he has a wealth of experience in validation, consultation, and compliance services and oversight. He currently serves on two different boards. Mr. Tobe community affiliation allows him to provide non-binding strategic advice from a community perspective as a board member with a local credit union. In addition, he humbly serves on the board of directors for his church. As a board member, Mr. Tobe assists in making sure the church's financial and business affairs are accurate, complete, and proper maintenance of financial records and information/tax returns comply. Additional skills valuable to Earnest Heart Foundation include approving annual budgets, maintaining financial records, ensuring the organization’s ongoing solvency, and overseeing check signing, expense reimbursement, and credit card usage.

Regarding education, Mr. Tobe earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. His continued professional development is valuable to Earnest Heart and includes project management, customer interfacing, resource allocation, and time management.  


Vimbanishe Chanakira, a native from Zimbabwe, Africa, is a certified educator in the United States and Africa. Ms. Chanakira received her Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Zimbabwe. After teaching in Zimbabwe, her family migrated to the United States, where she successfully obtained her Master of Science in Family and Consumer Science and a Masters in School Administration from the North Carolina Central University. Ms. Chanakira's passion for eradicating poverty for "all" drives her as she pursues a Ph.D. in Education Leadership. Her 25 years of experience working with families and children is an asset to Earnest Heart. As she supports families, individuals, and those in need as the Vice-Chairman of Earnest Heart her zeal and dedication to service is a valuable asset.  


When asked, "What gives her the greatest joy?" She responded, "her three young adult sons, serving families and students living in lack, and helping family and friends currently living in Africa."


Dr. Michelle Sever, Ph.D., brings 20 years of experience in epidemiology and clinical research, leading studies and clinical trials in the areas of food allergy, seasonal and perennial allergy, asthma, and pediatric and adult solid organ transplantation. Dr. Sever spent the first 12 years of her career at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/N.I.H., and then moved to Rho, where she spent eight years as a Sr. Research Scientist and Principal Investigator for several federally funded statistical and clinical coordinating centers. Serving as the Secretary of Earnest Heart, she is now a Sr. Director in Government and Public Health Services at P.P.D. Dr. Sever has achieved a B.S. in Biochemistry and Microbiology from North Carolina State University and a M.S.P.H. and Ph.D. in Epidemiology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Dr. Sever spends time outside of work volunteering with her church and other community organizations as a tutor and mentor for at-risk youth. She is also an artist focusing on creating abstract art and unique jewelry pieces with acrylics and resin. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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It is a pleasure to join Pastor Temperance Tobe, CEO and founder of the Earnest Heart Foundation, as a member of the Board of Directors. I am Dr. Cynthia Harrell, a physician, retired from the practice of Internal Medicine.

I am grateful to God for the many opportunities that He has given me throughout my career. I have a B.A. in chemistry from Wellesley College in Wellesley, MA. The University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill conferred my Doctorate in Medicine. I am also a veteran of the US Army Medical Corp.

I am thankful for a Warwick Fellowship, which allowed me to study and participate in the National Health Service in England. Later I was also able to study Obstetrics and Gynecology in Scotland at the University of Edinburgh.

 God has given me many opportunities to be exposed to varied approaches to finding solutions to problems.  Of course, He must be acknowledged, and my mind must be open to receive innovative and dynamic solutions that will add to the team outreach offered to the community by the Earnest Heart Foundation. It is my pleasure to serve.

 It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.